Category Archives: Preschool

Getting Lost and Other Games!

Updated 9/28/2022 When my kids were young, one of our favorite car games was called “Getting Lost” – a name chosen because it appealed to their sense of adventure!  Sometimes while I was driving in town, I’d surprise them by asking, “what do you think would happen if I turned here instead of going straight, […]

Unschooling: The Gold Standard for Young Children

… Updated 9/28/2022 Young children thrive with lots of unstructured play and exploration because it’s how nature intended them to learn! When allowed to discover and think without adult-sponsored lessons, their capacity to learn new things is amazing. Our homeschooling pioneers didn’t school their preschoolers. While I don’t think babies and toddlers need to be […]

Yes, There’s a Reason Why You Think You Need Preschool Curriculum!

Updated 9/28/2022 I’m so glad my son enjoyed his preschool years without either one of us worrying about lessons. I wrote about not having regrets when he left for college. Throughout most of history, parents have cared for their young child’s daily needs without thinking about lessons, curriculum, or meeting some sort of educational standard. […]