Distractible, Messy, Disorganized, and Fill-In-the-Blank Kids Often Thrive at Home Without Drugs!

I want to fly ...
It’s devastating when school authorities gang up on you and tell you that your child is such a problem that drugs are the only answer. Unfortunately, it happens all too often, and many parents assume the “experts” have to be correct.

When a parent contacts me because the school is slapping labels on their child, the first thing I ask is if they noticed this problem before the child started school. How is the child during vacations? Many parents pause (and have a light bulb moment) because the problem may only exist when the child is at school.

I recently came across a blog article that took my breath away. Please click on this highlighted link: “School ADD Isn’t Homeschool ADD”. Author Laura Grace Weldon’s experience is an all too familiar story and very heart-wrenching. Thankfully, it has a good ending!

I’m infuriated that the complaints from her school described normal little boy behavior! I’m thrilled that she stood up for her child. And I’m sad for those who have a similar story but who don’t know about homeschooling.

Please click on the link and read the wonderful story of one “problem” boy. And then share. Because someone else needs to hear this message.


Karen Taylor’s always homeschooled son attended a local community college after graduating from homeschooling. He transferred to UC Berkeley as a junior, and received a PhD in neuroscience from UCSF.  She shares homeschooling comments and links on Facebook, Pinterest, and this blog.

