Monthly Archives: July 2013

Does the Thought of Homeschooling Scare You?

  Updated 9/29/2022 Will your child be enrolled in school next year, or will they be homeschooled? It’s a decision that many parents are making right now. You may be an experienced homeschooler and not know it! If you have a preschooler who has been home with you since birth, then you’ve been homeschooling for […]

It’s Never Wasted Time

I recently read something on Facebook that was attributed to Garrison Keillor that I wanted to share with parents: Nothing you do for children is ever wasted. Now those are words to hang on to, especially during the challenging preschool years! My Facebook comment was: Your children won’t remember everything you do for them, or adventures […]

My Homeschool Lesson

I vividly recall the day – no the moment – that my son taught me how to homeschool. He was five, and it was our first official year homeschooling, and although he was continuing to stay home with me as he always had, it felt different. I regularly vacillated between being overly concerned, and reasonably […]

The Importance of Homeschooling Support

Updated 9/27/2022 It doesn’t matter if a homeschooler is single or married, it’s a good idea to avoid homeschooling solo. The primary homeschooler will benefit from having a partner who can occasionally help teach, bounce ideas, and just take some of the load off to prevent burnout. Your homeschool support might come from a spouse, […]