Category Archives: Preschool

It’s Never Wasted Time

I recently read something on Facebook that was attributed to Garrison Keillor that I wanted to share with parents: Nothing you do for children is ever wasted. Now those are words to hang on to, especially during the challenging preschool years! My Facebook comment was: Your children won’t remember everything you do for them, or adventures […]

Help! My Child Wants to Go to School!

Updated 9/29/2022 Every year I hear from someone who isn’t sure what to do when a young child announces they want to go to preschool or kindergarten. It’s a common problem, and it can cause a crisis if the parent is planning on homeschooling! So, what can you do? Many parents want to honor their […]

The Early Walking Curriculum

Updated 9/29/2022 I encourage you to read Amy Milstein’s tragi-parody about Early Walking: “The Early Walking Curriculum.” It is a glimpse into our future 25 years from now, where experts are talking about the importance of all children walking early. Fictional studies are touted to support the benefit of making sure all kids walk by […]

Feed Me a Story!

Are you feeding your child’s brain? The concept of “brain food” was part of a campaign that was sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education’s “America Reads Challenge” years ago. They had a catchy slogan: Start Early, Finish Strong: How to Help Every Child Become a Reader. One document that was inspired by this reading […]

“Play Anywhere” Games

I love playing children’s games that come with no rules, directions, or a box. Any number can play, and the rules can be flexible. And best of all, you can play in the house, outside, or while passing time when you are waiting somewhere. When I was a child, I knew games were fun. As […]